With the latest COVID surge, many hospitals are seeing record numbers and Hardin Memorial is no exception with physical capacity hovering around 90 percent. And, many of the patients requiring hospitalization are experiencing a higher degree of illness than seen in the past. To help manage the high volume of patients, the team at Hardin Memorial is asking our community to make sure they are not only staying safe by masking, social distancing, vaccinating, washing hands and staying home when sick, but also by making sure they are receiving the right care in the right place to minimize their costs and maximize the experience for all COVID and non-COVID patients. Please see the image above for details on when to utilize our Urgent Care, Emergency Department, Primary Care Offices and virtual options as well as the best locations for COVID testing. We truly appreciate the community’s support so that we can provide the best care possible for all our patients during this busy time! (9.21.21)