What is the Medical Reserve Corps?
The need for trained supplemental healthcare personnel to assist with emergency operations was highlighted after the terrorist attacks of 2001 and hurricanes of 2005. Many medical and public health professionals sought to support emergency relief efforts, but there was no organized approach to channel their willingness to help.
The Ohio Medical Reserve Corps (MRC) program provides the structure necessary to deploy healthcare personnel in response to an emergency, as it identifies specific, trained, and credentialed individuals available and ready to respond to emergencies, thus saving valuable time.
MRC volunteers may participate in emergency responses such as:
- Mass Vaccination
- Mass Prophylaxis
- Mass Medical, Public Health or Mental Health Care
- Mass Sheltering or Evacuation
- Infectious Disease Control
- Special population health care and assessment
- Targeted public awareness and education campaigns

For more information contact:
Sean Beck,
Emergency Preparedness Coordinator
419-673-6230 x 1816
Medical Reserve Corps Mission Statement
The Hardin County MRC seeks to support the existing medical response infrastructure to improve the health of Hardin County citizens, especially during times of disaster and great community need. Should our assistance be requested, we will also support the health needs of other communities across the nation during times of emergency. We will train our volunteers and leaders in emergency preparedness and other public health and support functions so that when the need arises, we are ready to serve. Our training and plans will pay special attention to populations often overlooked in emergency preparedness, including children, the disabled and the elderly.
Helpful Links
Ohio Revised Code Section 121.404 provides liability protection to registered Ohio Medical Reserve Corps volunteers during local, state or federally declared emergencies, disasters, drills, exercises and trainings, and exempts a registered volunteer’s personal information in the Ohio MRC Database from public disclosure. This protection does not include the provision of any court fees, nor does it cover workman’s compensation.