I'm a Positive Test Result
I have received a lab confirmed test result
Isolation – Separates sick people with a contagious disease away from people who are not sick.
Staying home and separated from others is necessary to protect yourself, your family, your community, and the rest of the public. The steps you must take can be an inconvenience but are important and essential to the health of our community.
Based on this you need to adhere to the following CDC guidelines:
- Remain at home
- Practice social distancing
- Postpone long-distance travel on commercial conveyances.
In addition, you are required to do the following:
- Travel – You are not to leave your home unless you receive written approval to do so from the Kenton Hardin Health Department.
- Temperature and active symptom monitoring – In order to monitor your health and ensure you can receive timely medical care (if necessary), you are asked to take your temperature twice daily, in the morning and evening. If your temperature is 100.4 or greater, or if you develop a cough, difficulty breathing, or shortness of breath, you should call your health care provider.
- Distance – You should separate yourself from other household members and animals as much as possible.
- Visitors – No visitors are to be allowed in your home. You may have family/friends drop off food and other supplies, but you are not to invite them into your home. Limit visitors to those who have an essential need to be in your home.
- Medical appointments – Please let us know if you have any chronic health issues. All scheduled medical appointments will require calling in advance.
- Symptoms – If your symptoms worsen or you develop new symptoms, immediately contact 419-673-6230. Based on your symptoms it is possible that you would need to continue with restrictions for a longer time period.
- Notification of Medical Personnel – If it is necessary for you to contact police, fire, or emergency medical services, you must notify the dispatcher and any first responder that you have had close contact with someone suspected to have COVID-19 and tell them the monitoring steps you are taking.
- Testing – Please notify us if you have any new COVID-19 testing done after being placed on quarantine. Based on the results, the duration of your SELF QUARANTINE could change.
If you have any questions regarding these instructions, please call the health department at 419-673-6230 and leave a message we will attempt to return your phone call within 24-48 hours. If it’s an emergency please call our emergency phone at 567-674-7108 or dial 911 for medical assistance.
I'm a Close Contact
I was within 6 feet for more than 15 minutes of a lab confirmed test result
Quarantine – Separates and restricts the movement of people who were exposed to a contagious disease to see if they become sick.
Staying home and separated from others is necessary to protect yourself, your family, your community, and the rest of the public. The steps you must take can be an inconvenience but are important and essential to the health of our community.
Based on this you need to adhere to the following CDC guidelines:
- Remain at home
- Practice social distancing
- Postpone long-distance travel on commercial conveyances.
In addition, you are required to do the following:
- Travel – You are not to leave your home unless you receive written approval to do so from the Kenton Hardin Health Department.
- Temperature and active symptom monitoring – In order to monitor your health and ensure you can receive timely medical care (if necessary), you are asked to take your temperature twice daily, in the morning and evening. If your temperature is 100.4 or greater, or if you develop a cough, difficulty breathing, or shortness of breath, you should call your health care provider.
- Distance – You should separate yourself from other household members and animals as much as possible.
- Visitors – No visitors are to be allowed in your home. You may have family/friends drop off food and other supplies, but you are not to invite them into your home. Limit visitors to those who have an essential need to be in your home.
- Medical appointments – Please let us know if you have any chronic health issues. All scheduled medical appointments will require calling in advance.
- Symptoms – If your symptoms worsen or you develop new symptoms, immediately contact 419-673-6230. Based on your symptoms it is possible that you would need to continue with restrictions for a longer time period.
- Notification of Medical Personnel – If it is necessary for you to contact police, fire, or emergency medical services, you must notify the dispatcher and any first responder that you have had close contact with someone suspected to have COVID-19 and tell them the monitoring steps you are taking.
- Testing – Please notify us if you have any new COVID-19 testing done after being placed on quarantine. Based on the results, the duration of your SELF QUARANTINE could change.
The above steps should be carried out for fourteen (14) days after your last known contact with a person suspected to have COVID-19. Unless you are told otherwise you need to comply with the following responsibilities for the full 14 days. Testing or receiving a negative test result prior to the end of the 14 days does not affect your quarantine date.
If you have any questions regarding these instructions, please call the health department at 419-673-6230 and leave a message we will attempt to return your phone call within 24-48 hours. If it’s an emergency please call our emergency phone at 567-674-7108 or dial 911 for medical assistance.